Thank you, Adam West. 1928-2017 I grew up way past the airing of the show, but Adam West's Batman has been part of my childhood. His show was responsible for the famous music "NANANANANA...BATMAN!" All Batman communities, groups, fan base around the world...

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Sunstreaker MP-39 Official

Sunstreaker Masterpiece is finally here! Yes, the official one from Takara / Hasbro is finally here. I suppose we will see some collectors selling their Sunsurge or Omnigonix third-party Sunstreakers now. The images below reveals the poseability and other accessories...

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KidRobot Mega Man Release

Good news to Rockman fans out there! According to KidRobot's facebook page, the full Mega Man Capsule is launching Tuesday, August 4th in stores and online at! This includes the mini series, keychains, and medium figures!  

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Arcee Transformers Legends LG10

Arcee debuted in the first Transformers movie back in the 80's and is easily lovable and remembered because she's the most popular female transformer around. With the recently concluded Philippine ToyCon 2015, I was finally able to get one! And a takara one too!

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