Sunstreaker MP-39 Official

Sunstreaker MP-39 Official

Sunstreaker Masterpiece is finally here! Yes, the official one from Takara / Hasbro is finally here. I suppose we will see some collectors selling their Sunsurge or Omnigonix third-party Sunstreakers now. The images below reveals the poseability and other accessories...
Rockman mega armor – Bandai series returns

Rockman mega armor – Bandai series returns

If you are familiar with the Bandai Rockman Series from way back 90’s, you would know the Mega Armor Series. And now, Bandai has announced it will be returning with this line. Fans all over the world are hyped. Rockman or Megaman features parts-forming armor...
Mizuno Rockman Exclusive Kickstarter Figure

Mizuno Rockman Exclusive Kickstarter Figure

TruForce will be releasing an exclusive figure for those who have contributed to their Kickstarter campaign during the conception and creation of the Mizuno Megaman X figure. The photos look very good and very promising. I had wished I had...